Sunday, July 14, 2024

Puppet build continues

 I helped build a puppet to William's specifications this afternoon. He's constructed five or six of the eight puppet cast. Scriptwriting is next. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Farm and walking

We drove out to the farm with Fred this afternoon. We knew George was doing something with a bunch of guests, but we managed to land there for 45 minutes just as the early group was leaving. Allena and Simon were there. I considered bringing up the numerous unsavory stories that Allen was telling about George and Simon on William's radio show over the past two weeks, but decided not to rock that boat (there are potentially many more episodes in the future). We really just sat around in lawn chairs for a few minutes rather than the more rigorous walkabout I'd usually do. William and I did an hour of walking this evening, ending up many places in the neighbourhood (hi Amy). 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Gallery with mom

 Visited the Dunlop with mom after lunch today (we at at Creme, which was amazing). Mom hadn't seen Leesa Steifler's new exhibition yet. Leesa and mom used to live across the street from each other and often talked, so mom was certainly interested in what was new. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Larissa Tigglers at Dunlop

 William and I finally made it up to the north end Dunlop to see Larissa's exhibition of paintings. We'd missed the opening due to the funeral, but I'd always intended to follow up and see this work. The paintings are very clean with colours that evoke calming feelings. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Display case

 Walked down to AGR today where William talked about possibly putting work into their display case. No openings right now, but also no one on wait list.  

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


 Nothing actually special about this lunch I threw together, except that I liked the colour mix. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Multiple birthday parties

Ed Willett and his wife Margaret both had milestone birthdays this week so Ed hosted a party at the Artesian where he sang an hour of songs from his repertoire. Simultaneously, Gerda had her own significant birthday and hosted a gin party to commemorate it. We hit both events. Lovely evening.