Saturday, November 10, 2007


Patrick Lowe was back in town today. He came by for a couple of hours to look at some films (not videos). First up was the test footage he shot last week end, primarily lighting tests on the animation stand, but it also included some really effective rotating spirals and other surrealistic images. These will be developed into fantasies of a character who is inexplicably unable to get off of the bathroom floor in Patrick's new, 15 minute film. We also watched a few NFB shorts including "Sky" which no longer looked like a colour film as it had faded down to a monochromatic red and white film, and "Toys" about children looking through a toy store window at an array of GI Joes as they begin to come to life and engage in serious, no-holds-barred warfare. We showed to William as his Remembrance Day film.

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