Sunday, February 3, 2008


I went to the Warhol show at the MacKenzie today. It was good, it hit all the icons and included some nice large pieces, but was not as creative of an approach as the AGO had a few years ago. I do appreciate the copies of his films running on a screen with lots of chairs available, but the cycle is three hours long with no way to select pieces. When I arrived there, "Eat" was just starting. It was the only one I'd seen before and it is 40 minutes long. As I was there with William and he was doing a short term craft during a tour, I was unable to see any films I'd not previously seen. Since it costs $12 to go in to the show, it is not something I'll be willing to pick up in bits and pieces. I did get tickets for the event they are hosting on Thursday, so I'll try to grab more of it then.

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