Saturday, October 31, 2009


I put film loop device to use this evening, running a film that I made with William this afternoon. He dressed up as Death (which is what he went out as this evening) and I filmed 50 feet of footage of him at the university and it while he drew comics (more on that tomorrow). The film also includes the very cool Lego skull that Paul built. I developed the film as negative so the clip below will show William dressed in white as the reaper instead of the traditional black. He questioned this and I suggested that Halloween is a time for the world to be turned upside down. As usual, I project a Halloween-based 16mm film in my front window for visitors to see. The loop device was temperamental and chewed up lots of film. I eventually used only half the film at a time and had better luck. The cat really wanted to play with the film and broke the looped film once. She also went out a couple of times until Margaret had to fetch her from a block over from some people who had a large orange cat on a leash. Sylvie was growling at the bigger cat and those owners thought that Sylvie was such a small lost kitten.

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