Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sock-vile Day One shooting

Four hours of set up and eight hours of shooting. There has been a puppeteering learning curve that we're confident we'll beat.


Gregson Studios said...

We would really appreciate it if you changed the name "Sockville" on your posts or put a link to on every image and credit us. We own the Sockville Copyright and have since 1997. We also own the International Trademark. We are getting ready to relaunch our series and are filing a series of lawsuits with distributors using our ruthless attorneys in CA who have been instructed to file against anyone using or abusing our name. Most people will not even see this coming. Just a heads up

Gerald Saul said...

Thanks for the heads up. I changed every instance of "Sockville" to the much more apt "Sock-Vile" shortly after the production. A few were missed and I tried to get them changed. I also notice that five months after the above comment, the trademark on Sockville was canceled, so perhaps it is no longer an issue. Also, having never had a chance to see Gregson Studios' "Sockville", I would contest any copyright infringements (as a title unto itself cannot be copyrighted, only trademarked). My search for Sockville shows that it was available on TUBI, but perhaps not in Canada because I cannot find it when I look here. Best of luck with your Sockville and any future incarnations it may have. I've had many delays with my Sock-Vile but it is premiering this year and I have recently wrapped production on its sequel.

Gerald Saul said...

Sockville trademark: