Thursday, August 20, 2015

Fireworks party on farm

Last night George organized a huge party on the farm, celebrating a number of things including his daughters' visit, both Kristin's and William's graduation from grade school, William's birthday, and most notably, Gertrud and Fred's 50th anniversary. While all of that is important, it was certainly a celebration of explosions, an excuse to set off an amazing number of fireworks in the farmyard and eat lots of food.

We came out in mid-afternoon and I installed another window in the cottage (which I'd intended for above the door but only discovered once I arrived that it wouldn't fit there.

As we pinned the window into place, I noticed the sun and sky were looking right for a test shot of William on the country road in the style of Wheat Soup. I purchased a 500 mm lens for this eventuality, although these shots were with a Bolex and therefore only short clips rather than the signature long takes. Test only, getting into the groove of it.

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