Sunday, March 24, 2024

William's wallpaper


William and I spent most of the day at the university (following a rather distressful Filmpool AGM). He started with an interview with Jon Tewksbury for the Sunday Funnies show while I conversed with a group of my students shooting in the hallways. Afterwards William printed the remaining strips of wallpaper for his exhibition (needs to install it on April 5, so the clock is ticking). It is a job that needs a minimum of two people. I would hold the paper straight has he rolled images onto it. The two of us would then move the 10-12 foot strip of paper to a spot on a wall to dry. The lack of smooth handle on his printing roller has nearly disabled his hand, which will be trouble for him to finish all the other tasks. "Fortunately" the next three days will be filled with essay writing instead of art creating. 

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