Friday, June 22, 2007

I can't believe I ate the whole thing.

Another hot day. Spent half the morning sorting papers in anticipation of vacating the department head office next week when my sabbatical starts. Threw out a least a foot of papers. This evening we had one of my grad students, Chrystene Ells, over for supper. Always a surprise to find a grad student in fine arts who's not a vegetarian. BBQed some chicken using a recipe I just made up earlier this season in which I throw lots of herbs onto chicken without any oil or crackers then just bar-b-que it slowly. Fast and easy and deceptively elegant. I think the key is the lemon pepper. Chrystene is working on a really interesting and sophisticated thesis project that will be shot on the NMSL's newest 24p hdv camera in August. Check out her blog. The heat and the allure of old movies on tv are driving me from my office. It's not summer without sticking to the couch while watching an otherwise forgettable b-movies while pumped up on a half-litre of ice-coffee. Tonight will be "Too Many Husbands".

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