I worked on my taxes with my dad this morning (mostly I need him, but I do help him with the computer side of stuff as well). This afternoon I had my feet measured for some insoles to ease the pain. This evening I hung with William, went for a bike ride, visited the bulldog next door, did some reading, lego, etc. I designed a background for the next Warhol video, a 60s flower power sort of thing with a flower brush I designed. Here are a couple of frames.

nice. what program you use to design stuffs?
Most of it is photoshop. I just made a handful of simple flowers out of circles, then defined the group of them as a brush.I put a scatter effect onto the brush. I then painted a fifteen second blank area of flipbook frames exported from After Effects with the brush, changing its size and colours.
ah, cool. ok, i follow.
i'm not sure how flipbook works. do you have to paint each frame separate? or does it lay it out ala physical film?
... i'd love to find a way to play with multiple frames more easily than creating a page per frame in Corel like i do now.
Yes, it creates a single image that is a grid of video frames. You can then draw on top of the entire sequence, ignoring frame lines, as if it were a huge drawing on film. The sequence then returns to the editing or after effects program to be viewed. It is a major memory hog and is sensitive to cutting and pasting, but quite wonderful.
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