Thursday, April 17, 2008


Talked on phone with Kodak reps today, confirming various details about yesterdays order. I was told by one guy in Vancouver that since I don't have an account, I would have to pay the $200 shipping bill on my order. I called the guy in Toronto to set up an account and after explaining the situation and that I don't have much need of my own account due to my association with the university for my regular business, he said he'd sort it out and I wouldn't pay shipping (I still recall that we ordered over $2000 worth of black and white film for Wheat Soup in 1985 so didn't have to pay shipping.) I posted my new video, chapter 2 of my "How To Be An Experimental Filmmaker" series. I watched the Ian Toews films that I have that will be shown next week at the Filmpool. I've been asked to write the program notes for it. Great work, I'm surprised at how well his "commercial" Landscape as Muse series fits into the rest of his body of short experimental films.

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