Eric and I got into the darkroom first thing this morning, or at least 10 am or so, to develop the Warhol footage we kinescoped last week. I chose to use the Kodak "Flexcolor" C41 negative developer to cross process the colour reversal film. The source video images had been converted to negative so the outcome will be a positive with no orange masking that is inherent in regular negative colour films. I've had mixed results with this and I was worried this was going to be a bad day after the first test gave me black frames (but great frame lines). unwilling to give up right away (but in the back of my head planning to re-shoot the footage) we reduced the developer time from 4 minutes to 2 (and the temperature had dropped from 36 degrees to 32) and the result was amazing! I probably have the best colour film I've every processed. We did all 800 feet, plus a roll of black and white, and everything turned out well. We dried it all on the lawn outside the Education Building but the sun was behind rain clouds and the wind had calmed. While it didn't rain, the drying started taking too long and I had to pick up William at school and had no car. I couldn't just leave Eric working since he was my ride. Therefore, I gathered the largest piece, a 250 roll, and carried it as a huge mass into Eric's car and he sped to Connaught School, only 3 minutes late for picking up William. I wound the film onto its core while standing on one of the few pieces of grass in the schoolyard. The still above is from Modern, as converted to film from video using my rudimentary systems. The colours are not altered.
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