Friday, January 9, 2009

new students

Today was the first day for my Film 200 class. I'm glad to get the Thursday section, I've always found them to be the most eclectic bunch. I have good feelings about them. Class was at 9:30 am, which is the first early class I've taught in at least 6 or 7 years. It requires that I get more prepared the day before, I have no time to do anything put pick up my notes and discs and just get there on the day.
Margaret put a display of Artist Trading Cards at the Glen Elm library the other day on the theme of "heroes and villains". She included the Cat in the Hat. Is he a hero or villain?


Chrystene said...

The question of whether the Cat in the Hat is a hero or a villain is an interesting one. He causes the kids in the story so much stress and does so much damage, yet he does in the end clean up and there is no denying he is having a great time. But still, he always seemed a little on the psychopathic end of the scale to me. I remember he kind of freaked me out. The Lorax was a little easier to handle with his big sad eyes and love of trees.

Berny Hi said...

i've never met a cat who isn't a villain at times.
oh, talking about film. i came by some film canisters late in the holidays. i was clearing out some room and organizing projectors when a wall to a cupboard fell open and after the dust settled ala indiana jones, a couple films were revealed. none seemed to be what you were looking for, but may be. /shrug
also, i've heard about the two animation classes being offered this semester. i figure yours is impossible to observe for someone not enrolled in school, but do you have an idea on how possible it is to observe the other one [think it was "animation theory" or "history of animation"].