Monday, March 23, 2009


I'm teaching animation but barely doing it. Here is today's half hearted attempt to bring William's Lego to life; FOUR LEGGED ROBOT.
Actually, I barely consider this to be animation, actually i just moved a graphic (photo of cool Lego that William built) across another graphic (Mars shot from NASA) with After Effects. Today in animation I met up with my students at the Filmpool and we looked at the Oxberry animation stand. I also showed them The Story of Turtle from Turtle Island, which I made 13 years ago on that same stand as well as on a similar stand in Toronto. I also saw a very interesting stand that Bernie Hi has designed for shooting miniatures. It has a central podium and a pair of arms that rotate together so the camera can rotate around an object but the background remains stationary. I can imagine a number of modifications, especially if it were to be used for animation as well as live shooting.

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