The new exhibition, Wayward Symbionts, opened today at the Art Gallery of Regina. William and I walked down there and it was really great. Stacia Verigin works on Wapos Bay and we met her last year when touring the set. She builds things out of glue. Tamara, whom I've known since she was a grad student at UofR, created a huge drawing of machines and digestive systems which she said was in response to a friend's illness and the realization that serotonin is created in the gut. I wonder how this affects me? William liked the notion behind Monique Blom's work. Her sculpture contains wax and seeds so is now literally growing in the gallery. I was intrigued with the animation projection on top of it which brought life to a large painting on the other side of ht gallery.
Stacia Verigin |
Tamara Rusnak |
Monique Blom
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