Saturday, September 27, 2014

Wilf Perreault and Sylvia Ziemann at MacKenzie Art Gallery

The MacKenzie Art Gallery has two incredible exhibitions on right now. Most prominently, the Wilf Perreault retrospective features over forty of his alley paintings along with one entire room which contained a surround panorama created for this exhibition. I've seen a few of these over the years and many of those included I've seen reproductions of, but up close they are quite stunning. The crowd that showed up filled very seat and made looking at the work difficult; a sell out crowd of hundreds. We luckily got a seat for the speeches as they were numerous and long (did my ears deceive me, or did the Honourable Mark Docherty describe the Saskatchewan Arts Board as an "industry stakeholder"?
Less historic but undoubtedly equally thought provoking is Sylvia Ziemann's MFA exhibition which featured numerous miniature houses and projections. This is well worth a visit, probably two, as there are more macabre details than anyone can absorb in one viewing. 

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