Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Superman 4, a quest for peace at the Talkies

This evening we attended the Talkies at the RPL where a couple of comedy improvers talk through a movie they've not seen before. This is always an amusing evening. It seems that they draw their crowd through their choices of films, picking them for their camp or general bad reputation. Tonight was the terrible last Christopher Reeves' "Superman 4, the quest for peace". I'd had the common sense to have avoided it in the past so it was fun to see it in this context now. However, I continue to contend that these events would be overall funnier if they picked films which were not such easy targets such as serious melodramas or earnest documentaries. However, I doubt that they would make this shift since the audience is primarily drawn by the (bad) reputation of the film as being something funny. If you want to be amused, you don't go to a serious film. Perhaps if/when their reputations grow, they will take on some more difficult, but ultimately more rewarding, subjects.  

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