Thursday, August 8, 2024

Got to be blood

Blood tests today. No story hear, but again it seems to be the only image I captured to represent my day. I used to blog every day, racing the clock to get something online before midnight. I eventually noticed that I could wind back the clock and post for any point in the past, which allowed me to catch up when I missed days. Now I just try to take pictures once a day so that I have a starting point for what to say about each day. This has led to the bad habit of blogging multiple weeks all in one day, or this case in the middle of s sleepless night. I do remember more of this day. I met with grad students Ayesha and Jhazley, separately rather than together, to talk about their thesis projects. I generally feel quite positive about teaching and working when I'm with grad students and perhaps if that was all I was doing, it would be cool. Reading on the other hand has never been less fun. 

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