Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Reading out loud

 At least 10 years ago (possibly 13 or 14 years ago) while we were on a family vacation, I had brought along a book that I was intent on struggling through. It was called "Shades of Grey" by Jasper Fforde. I'd heard an interview with him and his writing sounded very interesting. I'd gone to a book store and purchased that book (one of many he'd written) but found that I couldn't really get into it. I read the first chapter three times and it just wasn't working for me. I don't remember what vacation this was, but William was bored so I offered to read to him. He was certainly old enough to read this book on his own (he was at least nine years old, probably 10-12) but agreed. To my surprise, the book flowed off my lips in an amazing way and we had great fun in this shared experience. Jump to today - Fford finally published the sequel to this book, called "Red Side Story" and I've begun reading it out loud as William draws. Having fun. Finally feeling like a summer. 

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