Saturday, August 24, 2024

Nuit Blanche


Margaret had to work the entire evening during/for Nuit Blanche this year. William and I attended. The part had only a handful of works and none of them engaged us for more than a few seconds. Quite disappointing. We caught the end of a talk by Yuji Lee at Neutral Ground, but truthfully artist talks are too time based and not great choices for the come and go approach that Nuit Blanche generally offers. At the library we were looking at a black casting Joviel Buenavente did of their own body and were about to leave when we discovered that Jayden was doing a double header of Talkies in the theatre so we sat in on that for the rest of the evening. Caught the end of "Double Dragon" and all of the incredibly inept "To Catch a Yeti" starring Meatloaf. 

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