Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Out in left field
I went out to the farm for the first time this year. I scraped some paint off the "cottage"; it seemed like I 'd not scraped any at all last fall. It is very hot and humid and nothing seemed worth taking a photo of. I didn't pick up the camera even once. Some days are like that. If I had picked it up, I probably would have taken dozens of images. When you carry a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Here is another image from yesterday:
It is part of what I hope to be a narrative series of artist trading cards I need to finish this week. I hadn't planned on Erik appearing as "The Nemesis", that was William's idea (and costuming).

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
photo day
At the last minute we realized that Margaret had to work today, Tuesday, which is my research day when I've been working with Erik. I decided to bring William along and finally get around to trying out some of the photographic styles I've been excited about. We worked with some long exposures to basically paint the image in near dark. Here is one that Erik particularly liked: he thought it could be a poster for some sort "Clan of the Cave Bear" sort of movie. We include William in many of the photos. I'd like to print some of those.

Monday, June 28, 2010
Kidder: 2009-2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
taken for a ride
Tonight Kevin and I went to see "Jonah Hex" while Margaret and William went to "Prince of Persia". I had a good time but it isn't a highly memorable movie.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
politically incorrect Lego
It was William's last day of grade 3 today. I had a lazy day, didn't even look at my calendar. The summer heat has arrived (although the rain returns tomorrow) so I just couldn't do much. I put on the last episode of "Six Feet Under" after lunch; I watched all five seasons over the past few weeks, mainly after 11pm. Good show although I certainly finished it out of obsession rather than genuine interest. It got to be more and more about their sex lives than about the dead bodies which had been central in first season.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
finishing touches begun
Janine did her public presentation of her thesis film today. It holds together quite well. I'm very happy with what she has been doing.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
gaining momentum
Today Erik performed a piano piece he composed for my new Grain film. It's a bit of a waltz. I wanted something traditional yet fresh for my highly abstract ray-o-gram style second film in this series. It will be on 35mm and I won't be able to watch it until it is done. We recorded on an out of tune (not that I can really tell) baby grand in the music department at the university. They were very accommodating. Joe wanted to see how the new RODE microphones performed with music so he helped out with the recording as well.
I also got thinking about the cruising through time/space/mind sequence in 2001 that Kubrick had created using a slot scan method that Erik introduced me to last month. Knowing how it is done, it is relatively easy to recreate it using digital images. However, I also realize that the traditional way allowed you to have perfect images with no problems with grain or pixels. The digital short cut has you stretching pixels rather than stretching a real image or a higher res lens-photographed image. Therefore the result contains pixels stretched to dozens of times their original size/dimensions. Regardless, it does demonstrate how the understanding of old school technology allows you to easily navigate and innovate in new/digital technologies. Here are two very short silent demos of the sort of shot I'm talking about:
I also got thinking about the cruising through time/space/mind sequence in 2001 that Kubrick had created using a slot scan method that Erik introduced me to last month. Knowing how it is done, it is relatively easy to recreate it using digital images. However, I also realize that the traditional way allowed you to have perfect images with no problems with grain or pixels. The digital short cut has you stretching pixels rather than stretching a real image or a higher res lens-photographed image. Therefore the result contains pixels stretched to dozens of times their original size/dimensions. Regardless, it does demonstrate how the understanding of old school technology allows you to easily navigate and innovate in new/digital technologies. Here are two very short silent demos of the sort of shot I'm talking about:
Monday, June 21, 2010
National Aboriginal Day minifigs
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day
Saturday, June 19, 2010
clear skies appreciated
Friday, June 18, 2010
half the fun
Thursday, June 17, 2010
walking dead
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
50% day
Monday, June 14, 2010
Monday is free day
Sunday, June 13, 2010
portrait of my brain
Saturday, June 12, 2010
not kid stuff
Friday, June 11, 2010
Many frustrations wiith screws and sawing but now it is done and I can sit correctly and type finally. I will look at getting William a new monitor and using his as my second. Maybe tomorrow.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
June 10
It rained today so the Meti dance event was canceled. William was going to be the class photographer. Instead they stayed inside and watched "Ponyo". Debbie and Owen came over for supper and he and William played Lego for 3 hours non-stop. I worked today, didn't take any pictures but I did find this one from exactly 4 years ago.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Home from Calgary
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Calgary day 2
We had a busy day in Calgary today. First we exited out B&B, hit another used book store, went to Heritage Village and rode lots of rides
and crammed a bit of history into our heads,
then picked up my niece Michelle to take her for supper, then I dropped Margaret and William off at my sisters so that they could go swimming and I took my nephew Chris to the screening at the CSIF that I curated in their sofa cinema. I started coming down with a cold and had a rough night.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Traveling to Calgary
With great intentions we got up at 5 am and tried to make an early start for Calgary. I think we were actually in the car by about 7, not even in the first 3 to driving off our block. It's a busy place as the sun rises around here. We arrived in Calgary at about 4 and passed this fence that we called "ca-moo-flage". I think it is so that neighborhood cows can hide from the hazards of house cats who prey upon them. William disagreed, so we decided it might be for the cows to hide from the MacDonald's across the street.
We checked into a b&b and spent the evening going for gelato (below) and finding used book stores (see yesterday).
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Catching up 1
I'm posting this a few days after this actual date. We went to Calgary for the past two days and the day before we left (Sunday) blogger wasn't working so I couldn't cheat and pre-post my blog.
The day was mostly spent getting ready, writing my notes for the screening at the "Sofa Cinema" at the CSIF, and getting what I'd hoped would be my last report of the summer done and sent to the head (email I'm facing now proves this to be untrue, but I'm not "working" until at least Thursday.
I've been enjoying blogging again, especially when I include images. Here is a book I found in a used book store tomorrow but will include it here. I didn't buy it, the review just wasn't convincing enough;
This evening I managed to keep my hand in on the 48 Hour Filmmaking Frenzy by being one of the jurors to give out the awards and have a team that I was not on be on the cup (I'm on over half of them but am not sure I'd have beat the teams this time, they were really good).
The day was mostly spent getting ready, writing my notes for the screening at the "Sofa Cinema" at the CSIF, and getting what I'd hoped would be my last report of the summer done and sent to the head (email I'm facing now proves this to be untrue, but I'm not "working" until at least Thursday.
I've been enjoying blogging again, especially when I include images. Here is a book I found in a used book store tomorrow but will include it here. I didn't buy it, the review just wasn't convincing enough;

Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
I had today off as a holiday. Spent the entire morning at work catching up on things, returning equipment (almost forgot to pull last photos off camera before it went back), mixing up film chemistry, planning my next film review, and meeting people about capital purchases. This afternoon I tried to fix my mom's computer printer problem. She gets a "print spooler" error which I've solved before and I found two methods of turning back on but it just shuts itself back off again after you try to print. Painful. This evening we had a nice fire in the back yard (no, we didn't burn my mom's printer - that would be against the city bylaw).
Here is a more or less successful demonstration of the slit scan photo where the entire image is not captured at the same time resulting, in this case, in the moving object being shortened. A slit moving the opposite way, with the moving object instead of against it, would result in the moving object lengthening. However, this was much more difficult to time and we never accomplished it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010
water and fire
This afternoon I helped out William's class going to the Lawson swimming pool. I met William's teacher's mother and had an interesting chat. This evening we went to Victoria Park and saw the best fire dance I've ever seen. Well choreographed and luckily not stopped by the fire department when they arrived (they had a permit).
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
new camera

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