On January 1, 2015 I set myself a reading challenge to try to read a minimum or 10 pages of non fiction, with a focus on film and art theory, every day. While there were a handful of days that I failed at that, primarily due to being extremely busy in a particular morning and too tired to complete the task at night, I did not go a day without at least trying. Most days I exceeded the goal. As a result, I read the following 27 books cover to cover. In addition, I read other book chapters, individual articles, and even some fiction. Some of these books are short, some are long. Topics of focus were media archaeology, silent cinema, animation, and amateur film.
- Illusions in Motion by Erkki Huhtamo
- Pervasive Animation (AFI Film Readers, Routage, 2013) edited by Suzanne Duchan
- Mining the Home Movie; excavations in histories and memories edited by Karen Ishizuka and Patricia Zimmermann
- Funny Pictures: animation and comedy in studio-era Hollywood edited by Daniel Goldmark and Charlie Keil.
- Jubilee Book, essays on amateur film edited by AEI
- Fantastic Voyages of the Cinematic Imagination: Georges Melies's Trip To The Moon, edited by Matthew Solomon
- Lovers of Cinema; the first American film avant-garde, 1919-1945, edited by Jan-Christopher Horak
- Media Archaeology: Approaches, Applications, and Implications edited by Erkki Huhtamo and Jussi Parikka
- The Great Art of Light and Shadow by Laurent Mannoni
- A Geology of Media by Jussi Parikka,
- William Kentridge by Kate McCrickard
- The Sounds of Early Cinema edited by Richard Abel and Rick Altman
- The Silent Cinema Reader edited by Lee Grieveson and Peter Kramer
- Youtube Reader, edited by Pelle Snickars and Patrick Vonderau
- Expressionism in Germany and France: From Van Gogh to Kandinsky edited by Timothy Benson.
- Fantasia of Color in Early Cinema by Tom Gunning, Joshua Yumibe, Giovanna Fossati, Jonathon Rosen, 2015.
- American Silent Film: Discovering Marginalized Voices, edited by Gregg Bachman and Thomas J. Slater, 2002
- New Media, 1740-1915, edited by Lisa Gitelman and Geoffry Pingree, 2004
- Haunted Media: electronic presence from telegraphy to television by Jeffrey Sconce, 2000.
- The George Kuchar Reader, edited by Andrew Lampert, 2014
- Hidden Images: Games of Perception, Anamorphic Art, Illusion (From the Renaissance to the Present), by Fred Leeman, 1975
- Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales by Marie-Louise von Franz, revised edition, 1974, 1995
- Silent Topics: essays on undocumented areas of silent film by Anthony Slide, 2005
- Loop Collective, 1996-2013, by Kelly Egan, Izabella Pruska-Oldenhof and others, 2013
- Alice Guy Blache: Cinema Pioneer edited by Joan Simon, 2009.
- Amateur Film: meaning and practice, 1927-77 by Heather Norris Nicholson, 2012
- Reel Families: A Social History of Amateur Film by Patricia R. Zimmermann, 1995.