Following William's Wednesday paper and Thursday final, both in social studies which is his only B and therefore the course most in need to pouring extra time into, William needed to get his final media project done for Friday morning to present at 9:00 am. The parameters were that it had to be "a minimum of 3 to 5 minutes, and must demonstrate editing, cinematography, diegetic and non-diegetic sound, use of Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, and After Effects." The teacher didn't necessarily workshop them on much of the software they were asked to use, so I proposed a few techniques and gave William a couple workshops. By the time I got home from my lengthy Thursday at 9:30 pm, he already had the crazy "living room" scene done and was working on syncing his paper animation to his audio recordings. I suggested a shortcut that saved him a half hour so that he was able to get the digital animation of the cut-out version of himself started before midnight. He got it cut together by 2am and sent it to render. I waited up for it to finish the technical export in case anything went wrong. Nothing did. It has a number of bits that should be adjusted, but overall I'm quite impressed by this brave, crazy, non-narrative video he made. Response from the class sounds like it was good. It is called
Just as he was finishing at the media couse, we got the call to pick up our 2001 Mazda from the shop. Steve had given it a once over and gotten it all fixed up for about $700, making the cost of the vehicle only $2700. Pretty good replacement.
William had a second exam on Friday afternoon, math at 1:00. He finished and double checked his answers in the minimum one hour so I picked him up and took him for a soda. Enjoyed the "Americana" brand cherry cola.