Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year's Day

"Buddy" probably laid more eggs last week
For the first time in a few years, I did not feel like I could make a resolution this year. Last year I resolved to read fiction every day but after sticking with that for six entire months, I found that the act of forcing myself to do that was draining my personal creativity. I felt more and more empty and unable to come up with ideas of my own. Perhaps it was some other issue. After two months without forcing myself to read, I started having ideas again. I also resolved not to play video games last year. This was fine for a while, but this fall I was needing a distraction before bed and craved games. I just loaded spider solitaire into my new tablet, four days before the year was over, but I needed something that wasn't work. I have worked on the expressionist paper, mfa papers, surrealism presentation, and class prep every day since classes ended. I likely won't have an actual day off until May. 

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