My goal for new years was to have completed 500 paintings and I accomplished this a few days ago. This Game Boy camera with a shiny silver painted background was my 500th. Of these painting, there are 406 different "real" cameras depicted. Those are mostly manufactured cameras which can, or at least once could, be used to capture an image. Some where video cameras without the recording component attached. A couple were pin-hole cameras which were made by individuals and not "manufactured" conventual. I would count every variant model as a different camera such as my recent run of Canon Eos T3i, T4i, T5i, and T8i (am previously painted T6i and forthcoming T2i). There are 24 paintings of objects that look like cameras but do not, and never did, function as cameras. These include toys, ornaments, salt shakers, jewelry, and keychains. One was a projector. Another was a pair of binoculars. The other 80 or so are second or third paintings of cameras previously done.
63 people have lent me cameras for this project. Thank you everyone. If you have more, please let me know.
What is next? More. Just more. Perhaps aiming for 1000, and then I might dare call myself a painter. Not sure yet. I would like to show them in a large block sometime. Each of theme (with a couple exceptions) is 9x12 inches on masonite The first hundred were on canvas board and might not hang as nicely.
My reward to myself is that I am finally going to take a chisel to my desktop easel and get rid of the collected paint on it.