Saturday, May 25, 2024

Last day of Cathedral Festival

Margaret had to work all day today and missed, for the first time in decades, the street sale for the festival. William and I walked the length of it, buying a batch of mini-donuts and some comics from Jonah McFadzean. Talked with David and Angie at their book booth. Saw Ed Knopf, Jason Brtiski, Namsung as she was shooting documentarian (2000 stills today alone!), and many others. 

After supper we attended the sketch comedy but we just weren't swinging to it so we cut out and discovered Aaron Clarke's alley art and talked with him and Nigel (ex-student of mine, now back from film industry life in Toronto and living next to Aaron). We got a full tour of the house and it was amazing and intense. William was gifted with a portrait of Hitler. 


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