Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Oh Deer

 Deer in the parking lot at work today. This was near noon, not early or late. It didn't get spooked when I approached it. Probably got about 10 feet away. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Basement bed and cat

 Margaret has been sleeping in her dad's house about 2/3 of the past couple weeks, here in the basement. When she's not there, the cat takes over. George is back now, so at least this part of the round-the-clock duty can end. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Grandparent time

 Lots of time with family today. William joined us for coffee with mom and Lori this morning. Later we got pizza with Fred and then hung out until midnight when George got home from Australia. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Different angle on painting

 Painted the video camera Ian Rogers gave me again. It balances well on its bottom and that gave me the right light. 

Friday, February 28, 2025

Old Polaroid

 Painted this yesterday. I am less happy with the carbon black paint in general, as I have difficulty getting the metals to look right. However I used it again here as there is very little metal, mostly plastic. I brought out the paynes grey for the small amount of chrome on one part of this cameral. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Furniture for Fred

 Margaret bought two chairs for Fred - both electric that allow one to be levitated out of the seat more or less. One for the house, one for the nursing home. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Visit the painters

 Painting class is in the afternoon currently so I didn't sign up - too busy. I happen to have a bit of time this week so I stopped in for a visit. Lori going in different direction. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Cat being playful

William was playing with the feather toy and Sylvie. She has a couple good playful kitten-like moments every day, so we try not to waste them. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Fred getting a bit stronger

 Margaret gets Fred doing a lot of leg exercises. With a lot of our help, he has started coming downstairs again to socialize and eat one meal. He wants to be down on this level so that gives him more incentive to try. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Overlooked citation

Sitting with Fred looking at the Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan and reading about things he remembers, I noticed my name as part of "further readings" in regard to Jean Oser. I believe Christine Ramsay may have written this. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Fred comes home

Margaret got Fred moved back home at noon today. I fixed up Gertrud's old room to be a tv room for him. I also installed a gate so that he is confined to the second floor and cannot reach the stairs. There was a dinner party so he had a great evening with everyone around. With one night in the hospital and two at Elmview, I think he is extremely tired. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Brush trouble


Painting today. My favorite brush seemed frayed so I looked through my kit for something similar. Surprisingly, I found not only "similar" but IDENTICAL. I must have known this day was coming as there was a second brush of the exact brand and size but the bristles don't look anything alike. 

Esperanza's film shoot

William and I acted in a 16mm film for Experanza today. I was death and naturally William was god. Ron Jacobs shot it. 

A day in Elmview

I sat in the common room with Fred today, listening to the door alarm go off constantly (realized only later that it was because a patient stood by it wanting to leave). The physio-therapist arrived and did an assessment about Fred. Says he currently needs two people on hand if he is going to walk anywhere. Found out later that the reason almost no one was in the common room was that there is a covid outbreak in the building. I wasn't informed. Margaret wants to take him home but is resigned to making his stay another day. She has now got him booked into a nursing home but that won't start for another eight days. He seems to think that this is just a variant on the exercise program he goes to and that Margaret is going to take him home. He is very upset when told this isn't so. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Fred in Elmview

 They moved Fred from the hospital to Elmview, which is a short term "quick response" care facility. The people generally seemed really nice but the whole establishment is stressing Fred out even more. There are people in distress and occasionally yelling. There are lights and noises and an complete lack of privacy. It is fine for what it is, but...

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Fred leaves his home

Earlier today he came downstairs and then, trying to get to his chair, had a fall. I came over and a group of us got him to his chair (after Margaret consulted with the paramedics on the phone). He's still weak and having very difficult time standing and walking. Margaret didn't really want him to have to leave the house with the level of cold outside (-39). The ambulances were backed up for hours but they finally came and took him to emergency and admitted him to do tests. At home he was enjoying gnomes. At the hospital, he is very distressed and enjoying nothing. 


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Fred weakened

 Two days ago, Fred suddenly had a significant drop in strength. Today I sat with him for the afternoon. He said he had no appetite but consumed all the food I brought very ravenously. I was there to meet the parametric who came and did a lot of tests (not the first since two days ago) as well as take some blood. Nothing really wrong as far as the tests can show. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Dance class

 William's car is in the shop. He is going to do a bird people project with NDH and Robyn has suggested he take the dance class they are doing with body and objects this weekend. I dropped him off. Later, since we were out and about in this super cold day anyway, we ran around and picked up some comfort foods including Chinese pastries. Later I painted the camera I got from Geremy yesterday. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Coffee and a camera

Another quick coffee session with Geremy. Lent me his new little Polaroid. Here is the photo he took with it (no flash - I assume it would be better with a flash). 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Water Main break on Motherwell

 Water main broke in front of Margaret's dad's house. City has been there but left a lake of water and the grate off the storm drain at the base of their driveway. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Coffee with mom and with Kevin

 Ragingly cold again today. Mom wanted to have coffee without going out, so I came over. Busy afternoon at work, but then headed out again for coffee with Kevin. I was almost early, but caught the train. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Geremy on radio

Jeff fell through as the opening of William's season four. Fortunately, Geremy came through. I bribed him with chocolate cake. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Cat gone mad

 Even though it is about -30, the cat went out (for about 20 seconds). 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Dunlop opening

Fought way through severe cold again to attend north Dunlop opening "Of A Place" today, works from the collection. Caught up with Kevin McKenzie, in from Brandon. 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Another camera

 Used the new carbon black instead of paynes grey today on this painting. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Preparing for work... for next week

 William modifying an art kit to take to work when his real teaching begins next week. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

No work, black dogging


Terrible storm today, and really cold. William's car is acting up so I drove him to the first day of his new job. Traffic was horrible and slow and we were 10 minutes late just to discover that the place was closed. There was a miscommunication. We popped into Black Dog and bought a few things (carbon black paint for me, paper for William) then to Cafe Francois for deserts. Met back home and shared some delicious cakes with Margaret for our anniversary. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Potted plant painting

I never thought I'd ever admit to painting a potted plant. Noelle lent me this one. It's container is a ceramic camera. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

Coffee with Geremy

Very short coffee session with Geremy. Talked mostly about William's new job that he's not really worked at (for pay) yet. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

William to work

William drove off for his first day of work. Not paid work, yet, but a test teaching session for kids at a play center that is expanding into more lessons. 

Painting old video

 Painted a version of this old studio video camera given to me from Ian Rogers. I don't like painting things small. I'd rather enlarge small cameras than reduce large cameras. Decided since this is mine now, I'd just do a few versions. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Setting up book station

 Not quite ready for book binding yet, but most of the pieces are in place. Still need to wiggle things around. 

Fred and the seal

Visiting Fred today. William wanted to see the family seal, unearth after all these years. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

William doing something

 So again I've gotten behind on my blogging and am trying to look at images I set aside for it and make sense of them. William is one month out of university and I have a number of tasks for him. He is to apply for work on a weekly basis. He is to work on grant applications or similar ventures on a regular basis. And he is to continue his creative practices. I don't know what this picture represents. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Peavy Mart

After visiting the cemetery with mom, we went to Peavy Mart. They just announced they'd be closing the entire chain soon and mom has never been there. I got a good deal on electric fence wire. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Renovations at Fred's house

 Along with a new closet, the art is moving around and an overall new look for Fred's house is taking shape. 

Monday, January 27, 2025

Used electronics

 My grad student canceled her meeting today so I took William out to run some errands. I was looking for a cabinet to consolidated and tore video games and controllers, and he was looking for old games to play in some of the controllers he acquired from his cousins. We both came up empty, but I did see some of these Star Trek Hot Wheels for sale. Weird. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Jerry Ruecker art

Margaret purchased a Jerry Ruecker at the silent auction that we didn't attend last night. We've always loved his work. I was a bit distraught when she told that she'd won a bid, especially considering that we were not there so she would have needed to put a sizable bid in at the beginning of the process when she was there helping to set up. When she unveiled this beauty, I couldn't have bee more pleased. 

Kevin's Lego

 Kevin and his family built a Lego Millennium Falcon over Christmas. It's a newer one than William's, but the same size and very close to the same design. New figures of course, matching a newer movie.