Friday, January 31, 2025
William doing something
So again I've gotten behind on my blogging and am trying to look at images I set aside for it and make sense of them. William is one month out of university and I have a number of tasks for him. He is to apply for work on a weekly basis. He is to work on grant applications or similar ventures on a regular basis. And he is to continue his creative practices. I don't know what this picture represents.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Peavy Mart
After visiting the cemetery with mom, we went to Peavy Mart. They just announced they'd be closing the entire chain soon and mom has never been there. I got a good deal on electric fence wire.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Renovations at Fred's house
Along with a new closet, the art is moving around and an overall new look for Fred's house is taking shape.
Monday, January 27, 2025
Used electronics
My grad student canceled her meeting today so I took William out to run some errands. I was looking for a cabinet to consolidated and tore video games and controllers, and he was looking for old games to play in some of the controllers he acquired from his cousins. We both came up empty, but I did see some of these Star Trek Hot Wheels for sale. Weird.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Jerry Ruecker art
Margaret purchased a Jerry Ruecker at the silent auction that we didn't attend last night. We've always loved his work. I was a bit distraught when she told that she'd won a bid, especially considering that we were not there so she would have needed to put a sizable bid in at the beginning of the process when she was there helping to set up. When she unveiled this beauty, I couldn't have bee more pleased.
Kevin's Lego
Kevin and his family built a Lego Millennium Falcon over Christmas. It's a newer one than William's, but the same size and very close to the same design. New figures of course, matching a newer movie.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Look workshop
Spent the morning teaching an animation workshop for Trevor Grant and his "Look" students. Ian Rogers was there and he gave me an old studio video camera to paint (and keep - he is divesting).
Friday, January 24, 2025
AGR opening
Cool three person show. Leesa Streifler's drawings were very raw. Unfortunately she didn't make it to town due to problems with her flight. Deb Potter created a large number of very funny and intricate figurative sculptures. Sheila Nourse built a number of wall pieces which are, in abstract ways, portraits of some people she knows including Margaret (this work is made up of objects picked up of the street).
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Cat goes for a walk
William took Sylvie for a walk. Every time he put her down, she would immediately go up the nearest sidewalk to someone's door and he'd have to follow her and pick her back up. At least William got some exercise out of it.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
With the weather about 30 below outside, I just found this ladybug on the counter and moved it to a jade plant. It wasn't really happy there and later left again, so William moved it to a different plant.
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Erik Hood stopped by the house the other day and brought his camera over for me to paint. I spent my afternoon today working on it. A lovely 35mm Leica.
Friday, January 17, 2025
animation in class
Did some in class animation today with the portable Dragonframe setup. For the follow up, students wanted to go into the studio and set up lights so we did that and shot some motion blur images, suing the skeleton as one of the subjects.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Shelf for projectors
As we continue to try to get the basement serviceable, I found a shelf that fits perfectly in the laundry room and can hold stuff like film projectors and larger cameras until I can repair or otherwise get rid of them.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Coffee with mom
Took mom to Creme this morning. We were going to go to the cemetery but mom changed her mind at the last minute. She almost never eats more than half of her food these days and insists that I eat potions she cuts off for me.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Secret treasures
On her deathbed, Gertrud talked about her hidden chamber in the closet and some things she wanted given to various people. I knew about this but had never see it. William had never heard of it before. Today George started disassembling that closet so it can be useful (rather than just a series of jammed drawers which contained nothing but a tablecloth collection). We found an award Margaret received.
Monday, January 13, 2025
Art supplies
As an art family, we buy art supplies whenever needed. Raising an art child, we increased that purchasing as every interest turned. Going through Gertrud's house, we discovered that she also purchased and purchased and purchased. Now we find ourselves with more supplies, especially kid or school grade art supplies, than we know what to do with. This back went to Rory.
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Cold day and rush to campus
Jhazley is shooting a pickup for her thesis film today. The lenses were missed from her equipment so I needed to abandon the guys at Geremy's (keeping in contact with zoom) and run home for my keys then to the university to help them out and back again. Very cold day but looking like it will warm again soon.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Heather Cline party
Brought perogies to Heather Cline's Ukrainian Christmas party to compete with other perogies (alongside the cabbage roll competition). I failed to hold on to my trophy, losing out to some pretty decent perogies with a gimmick amount of haggis in each. I lost by one vote. If I was one to make excuses for myself, I might point out that my hands, in particular the pinching ability of my thumbs, is very sore and that I went to physio yesterday to have it looked at. It has made pinching perogies very difficult and I probably didn't make them as well as I usually would. Party was crowded and there was an unprecedented number of perogies there, probably about 7 or 8.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Flossing every day is paying off. Teeth and gums are not only okay, but are improving. Extra x-rays today to make sure some of the old work is holding up well.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Preparing for animation class
The animation camera room was taken apart in the fall to remove asbestos and not entirely re-assembled so it looks like I need alternative plans for tomorrow's class. Even though I worked almost every day since classes ended, I only just barely caught up and didn't really get ready for this term.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Coffee with mom and Shim
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Carillon comics
William still publishing in the Carillon. I think these are left over from last semester, but they have invited him to continue contributing until he official graduates in the spring.
Classes started for me today. Felt a lot of anxiety for some reason.
Monday, January 6, 2025
Double time painting
Painted two versions of this 8mm camera today while William was drawing. Really getting into the rhythm of it. Wish I could do this every day.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Running out of cameras again
I saved this strange 8mm movie camera for a day that I had some time to work slowly. It's spring wind is on the front. I'll likely do another one of it before returning it. It is the fourth of four cameras from Mike Decker.
Friday, January 3, 2025
Man of letters
Picked up Fred from his class today. Spoke with Jeanette for a couple minutes. She remembers me when I introduce myself, but not until that moment. So freindly though - gave me a hug. Back at his house, Fred wanted coffee and to eat his mini-chocolate bars he won at Bingo. I got out the letters and we worked through the whole bag. This random handful had a Q and two Xs.
William has been keeping up on his daily comics and even managing to post them daily to his new site. Here is his link:
Thursday, January 2, 2025
I'm almost finished the list of vital things I need to do before classes start back up. I really would love a brake that I can actually take a series of days off, rather than just a series of hours. Anyway, with my show in the spring, I need to take what small amounts of free time I have and use them to paint.
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
New Year
Slept in today. It was dark and mostly quiet and we had been up late watching a Thin Man movie (the third one). Butcher gave Margaret some great link sausages when she was there the other day so I cooked them up with eggs and toast this morning. Margaret went out while William and I worked on his website all day.
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