Monday, June 29, 2009

Vacation day 5

We drove home from Calgary today. Margaret, as promised during the Ikea shopping, packed the seemingly impossible amount of stuff into the car. Trip home was relatively uneventful. I did most of the driving to make up for the way here. We lunched in Medicine Hat, picking up sandwiches and eating them at a playground filled with a mixture of new and old climbing structures. William was a bit homesick and was happy to see the fish (they are fine). I didn't check my email the whole trip (I wrote all of these posts from the past four days in the past hour and set false dates and times) and had to answer and solve some things from Thursday but otherwise work and the world is quiet. I got no messages concerning either Michael Jackson's death or Farrah Fawcett's.

1 comment:

Mahmood Syed Faheem said...

Hi Gerald Saul! Your blog is very nice. The photographs are very beautiful. Wish you all the best. God is Great.