Friday, March 30, 2012

testing one two eight SIXSIXSIXSIXSIX

Frustrating day. I tried a couple different ideas I had for modifying the super-8 projection of my film on Sunday night but nothing worked right. I also finished shooting my video with Gerri Ann. The editing should have been very easy but I had some glitches somewhere and Premier kept crashing. I had to render it in portions and finally have it after five hours of monkeying around.
Drove around picking up potential aids for Sunday film festival and hit the kilometer of the beast.

1 comment:

Berny Hi said...

looking forward to some cool work this Sunday at the film screening.

looks like you're doing some trippy 70s special effects with food colouring and soap. i found some great results by dropping a few bits of colouring in milk and then dropping a bit of soap in. the colouring sticks to the fat and the soap then separates it in a twirling dance.

not too sure what you are trying to accomplish, but maybe butter would even work if you need it to stay on a vertical plane of plexiglass...