Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Gold painting

 Painted a picture of a camera-shaped locket belonging to Noelle. It is gold but I don't have gold paint. I do have some silver paint, so it was mixed in with other colours. I struggled with this for a long time. The object is small and the shape therefore a bit soft and indistinct. I just kept layering and adding shadows and removing shadows, and adding and removing reflections until, almost unexpectedly, I was happy with the results. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Marc LaFoy

 Marc in Regina for a funeral. We had him over for breakfast and great long visit to talk about current stuff. They days of talking about "the old days" is over. I mentioned the day at the end of grad school when he saved my bason with getting me onto an animation stand at LIFT, but he doesn't remember it at all. It was almost half our lifetime ago, and as we are 60, that's quite a stretch. Mostly we discussed his new studio and the artwork our kids are doing. Wishing the visit could have been longer. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024


 Photo taken by Margaret of her dad reading and listening to music in his living room. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Chrystene's painting

 I purchased "Rabbit Island" gouache painting from Chrystene Ells. Many secrets hidden within it. Delivered in person. 

Friday, June 7, 2024


 Roasted a big turkey today. Bought it around Easter and have had it frozen since then. Need the freezer space so decided to feast with it. Froze half the white meat for sandwiches later and will make stew from a bunch of the dark meet. Our roaster won't hold much more turkey than this one without removing the lid. I cooked it upside down until the last 45 minutes when I turned it over, re-applied herbs, and finished the roasting. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Wind storm

 Wind blew strong and for most of the day, taking down branches all over the place. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

William's gums

 William got a check up on his gums and gum care today in a last minute appointment. Not bad, but everyone needs improvement. Had some trouble a few years ago and don't want repeat of it. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Unauthorized biography

 William is drawing his second (now a series) of "unauthorized biographies" of people we know. Lifetimes condensed to four drawings. This one is for Geremy Lague. The date on the strip will correspond to Geremy's birthday a couple weeks ago, but the need for the strip meeting high standards had delayed its creation for quite a while. It is the last one needed for William to finally catch back up on his daily drawings. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Fixing road

In the fall, Dave's tree was chopped down and the water main fixed by the city. Today they started patching the road (very early in morning). Sidewalk remains unfixed. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Coffee with mom and Fred

 Mom and Lori came back from Calgary last night. This morning we had coffee at Lori's house. Margaret brought her dad. Mostly we talked about the events of Sharon's party on Friday night. It was a tremendous success. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

William opens at AGR hallway

We hosted a last minute reception for William's Art Gallery of Regina "Outside the Box" hallway space today. The work is all new; a series of  nine drawings (coloured ink) of a bird person climbing through a window. The series is called "Cake", although during the reception the title "Cake Walk" was suggested and William regrets not having thought of that a week ago. Too late now. Saw lots of good people and had lots of good conversations (and ate some cake).