Wednesday, April 27, 2016

David Stefanyshyn

David Stefanyshyn, 2005

David Stefanyshyn, 2002
I just learned that David Stefanyshyn died yesterday. I am shocked and very upset. I've not seen David much in the past five years. When we were recording Sockvile a few years ago I contacted him to ask if he'd do a voice. He had the strangest sense of humour and I knew he'd bring something special to the project. He declined as he was in the middle of moving back out to the farm. As far as I know, he's been out there since. I know I ran into him at least once or twice since then, probably at the street festival or something like that. I still share stories about his crazy antics when he was my student (and I'm not really sure I can call him a student as he always defied instruction). He finished in our program at the UofR in 2002 and was involved in numerous of other films, strange comedies such as "Shuya Show". I wish he did more, he was a natural. He was involved with the Filmpool for a while in 2005 and helped organize a festival and a visit by David Rimmer to Regina that fall. I don't know what to say or what to think. David was a unique and very special person and is certainly going to be missed.
David Rimmer and David Stefanyshyn, Regina, 2005

1 comment:

Berny Hi said...

oh, wow. that is heart breaking.
I agree, I wish he did more of that unique, creative, strange film work. I wonder what he has been up to.
man. life is too short.