Jon Tewksbury has once again proven his adeptness in programming films with the fourth annual (I hope there are more!) Pile of Bones film festival. The single evening event included over a dozen short films, all with a sense of humour and a sense of space, and both of those things belonging to the prairies. It's difficult to pin down what the inherent prairie sensibility was in this year's films (I'm not sure if last year fest quite this way) but it certainly included a sense of loneliness and more than a dash of desperation. I felt very connected to the work and regret that summer events distracted me from entering anything myself. Regardless, I was treated like I was a programmed filmmaker anyway and we all went across the street for drinks and snacks after the films. William enjoyed connecting in this way as well and experienced post-event barroom festivities for the first time.
When we were leaving, the snow started.
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