Saturday, June 8, 2013

Spending spending and more spending of money!!!!

William and our new storm/screen door
installed today by George and Fred at zero cost,
not even beer!!!
It's been a week of spending like money is going out of style. I put a new windshield in the car, bought a new screen door, bought a nice metal cabinet for the art supplies in the basement, bought new insurance for renting cars and fixing chips in our windshield, plus the registration of the car was due, plus I had my new 35mm film transferred to video in 2k files at 7 cents per frame plush shipping plus a new hard drive expressed shipped to the lab, and a new coffee maker with carafe instead of heater to reduce the chances we burn down the house, plus sponsoring the building of camera lucida through Kickstarter. Luckily my income tax came back this week, which doesn't quite cover all of this but comes close. 

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