Sunday, February 18, 2018

Franz Kafke video game

A few weeks ago William struck a deal with me that if he finished reading all the Kafka books that I would buy him the Franz Kafka video game off Steam. Having read The Trial, The Castle, Amerika, and Konundrum (a collection of short stories), I ordered the game today. It looked pretty cool, even though it didn't take him long to play (started at lunch, we broke for 3+ hours for Black Panther and them supper, and he was finished by 9:00). It was mostly odd puzzles. He had fun. Once scene was set in Lynch's black lodge.

We changed the water filter today. I always mean to make not of it in my blog so I know when I did it last but always forget. Now I have. The chamber was too tight to open but Margaret suggested wrapping a leather belt around it and that did the trick (just a normal person-belt). 

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