Monday, April 27, 2020

new Sock-Vile "material"

Working on Sock-Vile every day. Sometimes just an hour or two, sometimes eight or more hours, but always progress. I want to make it as good as I can while staying in the spirit of what it began as, so when I needed to re-build the laundromat interiors with machines running, I remembered that Erik had done some really jazzed up digital washing rotations. I wanted that but realized that it was too slick so I photographed some socks then created new spin cycles with them. There is so much material for this project but almost daily I discover something missing. If I was doing this project again, I'd have someone assigned to be in the edit room for the entire shooting period, assembling and creating lists of missing shots or desired closeups, backgrounds, and foregrounds. Regardless, I'm increasingly happy with the outcomes. 

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