This morning our shoes were overflowing with gifts from St. Nicholas! I got a small bottle of coke and some chocolate and some bison jerky. William got a new Atlantis Lego set. This afternoon we went to "The Vampire's Assistant". William has finished the 6th book (there are 12 books in total, the movie is apparently primarily drawn from the first three). The title sequence was wonderful: animated silhouetted figures done marvelously. The movie was not bad although it lacked closure and I'm concerned that the lack of success of it at the box office will spell doom for the series continuing/concluding. When I saw Willem Defoe's name in the credits I was pretty worried that it would be too scary for William, but it ends up he played a rather campy character without the threatening demeaner he is so talented at.
This evening we had a big family thing at my parents. They are away for Christmas so we had dinner. We also gathered as a sort of wake for my Aunt Norma who passed away last month. The last time I saw her was when she came to Regina when we invited her (and a hundred others) to William's first birthday party in 2002.
Image above is the world's smallest snowman, 1/5th the width of a hair, cut with a laser.
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