Thursday, August 23, 2018

0.9 Kg of fur

Our cat Nick has had a huge amount of matting in his fur this year. We've tried to cut it but he just struggles too much for us to get very far, so we decided that we should take him to the groomer and have professionals take care of him. However, we had not got him his shots this year and the groomers won't take him unless he is up to date. Therefore I took him to the vet today for his annual checkup and shots. The subject of his mats naturally came up when I was there and they asked if I wanted them to shave some mats off of Nick? Of course, I told them. 30 to 40 minutes later, Nick is sporting a lion-cut with a shaggy mane and all business in the back. He didn't even struggle, yowl, or hiss. At the beginning of the appointment he weighed 6.4 kg. Afterwards he weighted 5.5, a loss of almost a kilogram of fur! While the appointment still had its regular vet fees, the shaving came in at a paltry $20, what a deal. Nick seems happy and holds no resentment over the whole ordeal.

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